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A Valentine's Day Story!


Margaret and the Valentine Box
Margaret and the Valentine Box

What does a writer do when she has the flu and such a headache that she can't read or focus on a computer screen? Well, this writer writes a short story in her head.

I thought: since I have a Halloween-themed story and a Christmas-themed story, maybe I can add to the set with another seasonal story. Hey, Valentine's Day is around the corner.

And so, Margaret and the Valentine Box was the result. Of course, the sentences I wrote in my head have been significantly edited, but one has to start somewhere.

I have an idea for a springtime-themed story, and of course, it will take a bizarre tack on it because I have to make it fun. As the box fairy Valentine says, "I take my fun where I can get it."

Here's my valentine to you. Click the image to read the story or visit



Margaret and the Valentine Box

Ann Bernath

Margaret thinks the annual Valentine's Day valentines exchange at school is stupid and a waste of time, but when a fairy pops out of the antique box she plans to use for the exchange, a sprinkling of fairy dust just might change her perspective.

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