I try to visit with my friend every other Friday where we hang out at her dining room table and work on our creative projects together.
Today when I woke up I considered cancelling my visit since I didn't feel all that great, but I didn't want to miss one of the few blocks of time I schedule to write, so I got dressed, packed up my laptop, and headed to her house armed with an iced coffee.
By the time I left her house I had finished Chapter 29 that I had already started, and started and finished Chapter 30! Thank you to "my dear friend," to reciprocate how she refers to me, for getting me into gear and inspiring some good productivity - for me, 1900 words of content that I feel proud of feels pretty satisfying!
Why the campfire image? Well, if you catch up with the new chapters, it should make sense.
How do I go to :chapter 29?